We offer convenient shipping options based on the order value:

  • Orders over $50: Enjoy FREE domestic ground shipping.
  • Orders under $50: Benefit from a flat rate of $5 for domestic ground shipping.

Jini Mini currently provides a promotional flat rate of $5.00 for shipping, as well as free shipping for orders totaling $50 or more, within the contiguous United States (excluding Alaska, Hawaii, and outlying territories). Free and flat rate shipping packages are sent using USPS First Class Package Service (no insurance, no signature required) or UPS Ground. If preferred, you may select UPS as your shipping carrier. For other locations, regular shipping rates determined by USPS or UPS will apply.

While we make every effort to ship your order on the same or next day, we kindly ask buyers to allow up to two weeks for delivery within the contiguous United States. Orders placed after 12 PM PST will generally be processed on the next business day, and orders placed after 12 PM PST on Fridays will be processed the following Monday. Please be aware that there may be some delays in order processing during special promotions.

Please note that when you place an order on, it is subject to a shipment contract. This means that once we deliver your purchase to the shipping company, the risk of loss and title of the item pass to you.

Conveniently available from 11AM to 7PM, seven days a week (excluding a few public holidays). Please contact us at 949 453 9333 to confirm.

Order online and collect your items in-store.

NEW Pick Up address:
Jini Mini boutique
2871 Park Ave. Tustin, 92782
Ph: 949 453 9333